Lee Min Ho - Smoking Hot

Who is he?

Well, I bet Korean wave fans are definitely NOT unfamiliar, with this person - Lee Min Ho! He's cute, sexy, lovable, handsome and of course, a SUPERSTAR. Why? He's featured as the most WANTED Valentine in Thailand - not easy to be a dream guy for girls, right? :) Yes, he is that amazing. Well, to speak of why is he SOOOOOO charismatic, let me share my experience!
The first time I've seen him, was in Boys Over Flowers! And the reason for me noticing him was really because of the drama! I've been following the news on it since it was a Korean adaptation of the original manga : Hana Yori Dango! There's also the Japanese drama of Hana Yori Dango as well! And since young, I've also watched the Taiwan version: Meteor Garden! It's like my dream, my fantasy, the usual plot of a rich guy falling in love with a poor, but resilient girl. Not to mention, the setting was in high school, so that part relates to my age well! Dreaming of meeting a guy like him, started out mean and eventually treating the girl like his precious! I bet every girl will have such a fantasy, such a dream to meet a guy like this! Right, the drama plot itself already won my heart, let alone such a handsome actor like Lee Min Ho!
Well, I'll have to admit that the other male leads in the other versions of this drama didn't LOOK as GOOD as him! (Don't blame me for being a visual creature) :P But what quality of Lee Min Ho that I love best - is his CHARMING SMILE. He'll melt the hearts of a thousand with his bright smile. It's really charismatic. And what's next? This might sound like a real pervert, but he has good body. Well-defined lines, and distinct six packs left me drooling. I mean, which girl could resist any guy with a bright smile, good face and smexy hot body, right! Okay, but what really left me an impression about him, was when he had an interview after the hit drama Boys Over Flowers. He made this comment during the interview: " I was only chosen because I permed my hair for the audition. The director said it was a smart move." Yes, given that the role that he has to act has a distinct feature: CURLY hair. It's really intelligent of him to go for the audition with the look of the role he is about to act, as it creates an impression for others that he really WANTS the role. He also left me watching the drama over and over, swooning over scenes and lines that he expresses his love to the female lead! He definitely has the swag of a rich guy, and the pure love feeling of a guy having his first love. His great acting skills are also one of the reasons why hes captured the hearts of many.
And right after that, he acted in Personal Taste, a similar role to his in Boys Over Flowers, but a charming businessman this time that was mistaken to be a gay. This drama also fully exhibited his charisma as he showed cute responses towards the story of him being gay. There are tons of sweet moments together as well! A loving and funny drama that caused me to love him even more :) Especially the last few episodes, it was almost smeared with honey for every word he says! The bed scene was HOT too !!! Erhem :X! Just when you thought he's already AWESOME, he comes up with ANOTHER huge hit - City Hunter. Though it's an adaptation from a Japanese manga (it really only has the same name)! The writer changed almost every single detail of the plot, and yes, it has disappointed many manga fans BUT those who has never heard of the manga, is absolutely satisfied with it! :) Other than hot shower scenes, thrilling action-packed scenes, entwined with a beautiful love story. That's what you're looking for if you want something sweet, cool and exciting! This is the show for you! And what's best, is after the filming of drama, Lee Min Ho dated Park Min Young!!! Well, it was only for a short while that they broke up but STILL, it's what that ever happened counts right? ^_^
OKAY, Kudos to Lee Min Ho, but he's a REALLY hardworking actor! He has a production EVERY year! And it's all the male lead roles! That shows how much people recognize his talents as well! You've heard some much about my praises for him and you'll probably want to figure out how AMAZING he is in the recent years as well. I'll just tell you the recent productions of his and hope you'll support him (and his acting)! His production in year 2012 is The Great Doctor aka Faith and in year 2013 is The Heirs. I bet most of you are familiar with The Heirs, as it gave the k-drama world a hurricane! So, is Lee Min Ho JUST an actor? The answer is NO! He's released his latest album known as My Everything ( a song he sang for the Boys over flowers OST in year 2009 but got packaged as an album release recently )! His voice is SO sexy, gosh! Well, but there is ONE thing that Lee Min Ho doesn't do. He doesn't appear on ANY variety shows! Most people would go on variety shows to publicize their new albums/dramas but he just DOESN'T. Many have been curious why he doesn't do so, and he claims that he doesn't have the ability to go on variety shows yet because he don't really know how to respond/behave in a 'variety' manner. Even so, he still has many fans and his international fan club name is Minoz. This is my short (?) little angle on Lee Min Ho. Any more interesting stories to share? Any thing that you disagree with me? Please feel free to comment! Xoxo, Sekai (AmazonAssociate, Blogger, Translator)


Favourite Taiwan Variety Show!

Well, I'm not sure how many of you have heard of this, but it's really one of my favourite variety shows. It features all sorts of different themes each day such as "Make-up", "Clothes", "Fashion", "Gourmet","Games" and many more. It's a talk-show so do expect lotsa talking from them, but this show has been around for 10 years and it's still going great! :) The awesome qualities of this show is how sarcastic the female host (Xiao S) is, and how "gay" the male host (Cai Kang Yong) is. It's really good for laughs & I hope to spread the love of it! Well, it is unfortunate that due to the high frequency of episodes broadcast (compared to dramas), this show is mostly unsubbed. But fans do sub certain interesting episodes they love to share as they go along. Though I have translation abilities, but honestly my video-editing capabilities do suck a lot so I'm unable to do fansubbing as well :( But if you wish to improve your chinese, you may wish to view this show by subscribing to 我爱康熙.


1. The Photoshop & Make-up Scam (IT's a TOTAL scam!)

!!! Before & After! Huge contrast! (On the left is the After,Right is Before)

2. The reason for Plastic Surgery O_O!

Notice how he looks WAY different! He's such a cutie now after plastic :D

3. The pervertic Gay-san from Japan ///>_<///

Warning! This is NOT for kids as it shows a Japanese variety show with the topic of "The guy that will definitely NOT cum VS the guy that will make YOU cum"!

This is the episode on KangXi!

4. The lies between a couple (...Realistic)

This is the first part:

And this is the second part:

5. The REAL turn-off of 2013 (Only if you're a Kang Xi fan ^^)


Okay, everyone will have different preferences, but these are MY top 5 episodes of must-watch! :) Do you have yours? If you haven't, start watching!!! ^_^

P.S. I've just finished my recent manga translation of Eniro Cinderella chapter 10! Will update link when it's done for you guys to watch it~

+Variety show! +Kangxi Lai Le +MAKE UP FOR EVER OFFICIAL +Plastic Surgery Center 




Hey guys, I would really like to talk about this game today! ^^ Well, I'm not sure if anyone is even reading this since I'm a really new blogger, but yeah, I've decided to do so anyways! I'm writing this for future readers as well as for myself (as a form of entertainment)! Well, let's get onto the topic!

Blade and Soul is a SUPER famous korean mmorpg! This is it!

Looks awesome, right?  Well, it's rather upsetting that such an awesome game did not have an English release yet since year 2012 when the website of it's release in United States had been created. You may check this website out for more information about this game: http://us.bladeandsoul.com/en/. Well, this game requires people above the age of 16 or 18 (I'm not sure as I'm above 18) to enter the website, so please do fake an age that fulfills the requirement. Though it's a pity that the English version is not released yet, but GOOD NEWS for English players! :) There's actually an english patch for the china version of blade & soul! As I've experimented with this, I really find it absolutely awesome though it doesn't self update but yeah, we get to play right? So who cares? REALLY GRATEFUL for fansubbing!

Before giving you the link to this, I think it'll be good to put some cautionary note that you do need to constantly check the thread again for english updates. Other things that are necessary is that to create a login ID for QQ (a famous instant messaging software) in China. Yes, so this is the link for the English patch: http://www.bladeandsouldojo.com/topic/16870-english-patch-for-china/ as well as the recently released one for windows 8.1 (tested) http://www.bladeandsouldojo.com/topic/22534-tenprotect-win-81-patch/.

The link for creating a QQ userid is here: http://zc.qq.com/en/index.html?from=pt

The link for downloading the China game client of Blade & Soul is here: http://bns.qq.com/web201307/download.shtml#d_anchor
(Oh by the way, there are several software links given here and this is the downloader that I recommend to use, it's simple, just download the set up then download the game client! No registration necessary! This is the link: http://down.sandai.net/xlgame/jl1127_setup.exe ) In addition, the PATCH for the China version will take HOURS, so please do wait patiently for it to patch TT'' (Mine took like 4hours)

PLEASE NOTE THAT to LOGIN to the game,  you do not type your email address but the string of numbers given for you in QQ as well as your password for QQ. This is the place you can login to check your QQ number: http://aq.qq.com/.

And guess what?

SNSD - FIND YOUR SOUL!!! It's an official OST for the game!

Here's the official game trailer to make your hearts thump!

Last but not least, ENJOY THE GAME! If there is any enquiries about this, please do e-mail me by filling up the contact form and I'll try my best to help you resolve it~ (But please do not expect me to know everything, I'm just doing this to share~) Regarding which server to enter, it's up to you guys (but there are rumours saying that "电信" is faster than "网通" so you may consider~)

This is the link for freebies: http://bns.qq.com/act/a20131205intro/
You can get one each time you hit a certain level! Once again, Enjoy~

+MMORPG+ +MMORPGS +Blade and Soul Greek Fan Page +Blade&SoulBNS +Online Games Area +SNSD Girls' Generation +SNSD +Helpouts



3DS blabbers

Well, as the title above, today's focus will be about the 3ds XL. It's been months seen I've been eyeing on this little baby, and there have been huge debates regarding whether or not to have one due to it's price. It's rather expensive when users compare it with the PSP! Well, let's have a closer look why this baby is so popular~

1. It's really CUTE!!! Well, one says to never judge a book by it's cover, but seriously, can you take your hands off this? - Pikachu, one of the most famous characters in Pokemon, even more so than Ash some says. Nintendo has released this limited edition as well as the Pokemon X & Y edition to attract consumers!
Not to mention, Mario is proud to be a participant of this as well! With such awesome designs, why would one not have it! Though appearance isn't the most important for gaming consoles, it definitely brightens your mood to have one that caters to your liking! :) My personal favourite:
(Isn't he cute? Aww~)

Feeling the urge to get it? Check these out!

2. Next up, the most awesome & obvious thing about a 3DS is definitely it's 3-dimensional functions. Yes, it's awesome, it's sleek, it's cool, it's fantastic. That's how brilliant Nintendo is to create a console that offers 3D graphics. (That's what most Nintendo fans say) But really, I have to agree how Nintendo was intelligent in its launch for the 3DS that captured the attention of the whole gaming industry. Remember how we first know about 3D? For me, it's the first 3D movie I've ever watched that's so brilliant that left me speechless, AVATAR! Yeah, I believe most will agree with me that Avatar was one of their best, in line with the classic, Titanic. Uhhuh, that's how nice it was. However, there is a real downside to this, unlike having 3D goggles on when watching the movies, 3DS displays 3D functions without one. Now, that's a real problem as some users continue to feedback about how they get headaches from prolonged gaming with the 3D mode on. In addition, it drains a huge amount of battery life as well. Nintendo used to boast about long gaming hours when the predecessors of the 3DS can last for about 10hours of gameplay, the 3DS now can only last for about 2-3hours with the 3D mode on as well as about 4-5hours without the 3D. Mmmhmm, shorter battery life? Even so, I would say it wouldn't really matter to get one because of the next reason. Sure, long hours of gameplay is necessary as everybody wants to play their favourite games longer, but being able to play it is better than not right? 

3. The most important thing about a gaming console? GAMES!!! Yes, though its a pity that there's no more flash cards in the market out there that supports the latest version of the 3DS (meaning no more illegal downloads) unlike the DSi, but really, with temptations from the most famous games like Mario and Pokemon, as well as awesome personal favourites like Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright, it's no wonder that people flock to buy this! Well, just treat that you're supporting the games that you love, really.

Pheenie fans, love this!!! 

Lastly, just look at this!
Don't touch me! Buy the 3ds!!!

P.S. It's my first time writing this, so please forgive me if it's not that awesome!

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First post of the year

Hello guys, this is Sekaii (aka Vranduh)! Well, I'm currently thinking of developing an online blog shop and I hope to receive support from you guys! :D I know that this route isn't easy but I will do my best to provide the best to my clients and hopefully, I'll receive positive results! ^^ Please do provide feedback for me to improve as well as to receive greater benefits as a consumer!

Sekaii <3

(P.S. Blog still under construction so please hold your horses and wait for more to come!)